For most of us, homelessness is unimaginable. We take for granted that we’ll be able to meet our daily needs of safety, food, shelter, and companionship without facing incredible obstacles. But every day, thousands of people awake without shelter or a regular address.
On 27th November, 35 big hearted compassionate individuals rocked up at Gloucestershire Cricket Ground in Bristol for an experience to remember!
Hearing from the Right Honourable Lord of Bristol, Paul Goggin, BillyChip and Help Bristol’s Homeless Cic with hard hitting statistics and conversation it strengthened determination to bed down in the 3 degree November night!
In England, more than 274,000 people are currently experiencing homelessness. This means that one in every 206 people in the country are living without a stable home. Of course, it’s important to remember that these figures could be even higher, as many people are missed from homelessness records by being out of view.
We are delighted to learn that we helped raise £35,000, these funds raised will help fight poverty and homelessness through the amazing work of some lifechanging charities.